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UK Consulting on 21st Century Learning and Building Schools of the Future

Bob Pearlman

Homewood School, Kent


Bob Pearlman delivers conference keynotes on 21st Century Learning and Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools. He has keynoted several significant UK conferences, including the Specialist Schools Trust National Conference, the Kent County Secondary School Head Teacher Conference, and Building Schools of the Future Conferences in Manchester and Birmingham.

Designing Secondary Schools of the Future Workshops

Bob Pearlman leads and facilitiates all-day workshops on Designing Secondary Schools of the Future for head teachers, teachers, architects, building specialists, and policymakers. He has lead design workshops for the Department of Education for Northern Ireland (DENI) and for Alan November's annual Building Learning Communities Conference.

21st Century Learning Diagnostic

Bob Pearlman conducts 2-day site visits to UK secondary schools to assess their levels of 21st Century Learning in curriculum, assessment, and ICT, and recommend next steps toward development of a 21st Century School. The 2-day site visit includes:

  1. Classroom Visits
  2. Interviews with Head Teacher, Senior Management Team (SMT) leaders, and lead teachers.
  3. Presentations on 21st Century Learning to Governors, SMT, and teachers.
  4. Report Back to head and SMT.

Finally, a written report of key findings and recommendations is developed and provided within one month after the site visit. Prior clients include Ninestiles School (Birmingham) and Homewood School (Kent).

Contacting Bob

Contact Bob Pearlman at